Holidays and Clearout

1 min readDec 23, 2022

First of all, the entire team of the HomeComputerMuseum wishes all visitors (virtual or in real life) happy holidays and a healthy, successful and joyful 2023!

The holidays also means the people working hard at the museum will have some days off. Meaning we’ll be closing the museum early on December 24 and December 31, both days we close at 16:00.

Obviously, we are closed during the national holidays, 25 and 26 of December as well as the 1st of January.

However, we will be open on the 2nd and 3rd of January between 11:00 and 18:00 so hopefully see you around then.

Lastly, we have to close the museum between 9 January 2023 and 22 January 2023 to clean and restructure our warehouse. It’s borderline dangerous to go there now so we need to empty it, meaning we need a lot of space in the museum and we are closed in that period. We’ll be fixing some other things too.

On the 22nd of January we’ll be open to do a massive storage clear-out. Selling all that we have in overstock. No reservations and there’s no list of what we have (that’s part of what we’re doing the 2 weeks before), just be there between 12:00 and 17:00 to get your hand on retro computing items. We’ll give the museumdust for free even! :)

Again, happy holidays and we hope to see you all soon!




Interactive computermuseum in the Netherlands where the history of the home computer can be hands-on experienced with well over 300 active systems ready for use